
Written by
Current as of March 29th, 2025

Insurance lead vendors similar to InsuranceLeads:
QuoteWizard, HometownQuotes, NextGen Leads

With a name like, it is easy to understand why this company is able to attract attract a sizable audience of lead buyers. A large selection of product lines, combined with geography and risk filters equate to a solid combination for the company.

InsuranceLeads offers the following benefits:

  • No contract or minimum purchase requirements
  • 24/7 access to your online account
  • Plenty of customization options

In addition to the use of filters, offers the ability to purchase leads based on predefined categories. For example, auto insurance leads are offered by the following types: custom auto, premium plus auto, premium auto, preferred auto, specialty auto, standard plus auto, standard auto, and juvenile auto.

With carrier exclusive leads that are sold to between two and four insurance agents on average, competition is kept to a minimum.

Custom options with InsuranceLeads are premium offerings that allow buyers upgrade and eliminate some or all of the upfront time requirements with real-time leads. Some examples include Qualified Prospect Leads and Calls. Qualified prospects are per-verified via phone to ensure the shopper is interested in a quote and would like to talk to an agent. Calls take the verification process even further by initiating a live transfer to the buyer offering an exclusive lead with a 100% contact rate.

Below is a sample of base and upgrade options at InsuranceLeads:

Insurance Leads Pricing
Note: Pricing subject to change.

Feature List

  • Real-Time Delivery
  • Share Leads – Max Agents 5
  • Exclusive Lead Options (via Live Transfer Calls)
  • Live Transfers Available
  • Pause Leads
  • Set Daily Volume Caps
  • No Contracts Required
  • Sample Leads Available
  • Free Training Tools & Webinars
  • Pre-Set Standard Filters
  • Custom Filter Options
  • Lead Returns – 10 Day Return Window
  • Phone Qualified Leads Option
  • Premium Channel Leads Option
  • Premium Service Plan Available
  • Volume Discounts Available

Types of Leads

Delivery Options

  • Email
  • Text
  • Live Transfer Call
  • CRM / Rater / Dailer
  • Custom Integrations Available


Related Services

20 comments… add one
  • Insurance Leads is AWEFUL!! DO NOT USE THEM.

    bad contact info, old leads, just plain junk. The customer service people are fine but only regurgitate the scripted responses over and over when on the phone with them. Don’t waste your time or money on this.
    I will give them ZERO stars for a review. I think I want to puke. Gross company.

  • commercial leads

  • Looking for life insurance leads.

  • Awful…. just awful. They said they sell the same leads to several agents. Fine. What they don’t tell you is the agents get the leads at different times, often more than 24 hours later. What good is a lead that has already gotten quotes and a new policy from another agent? You are selling me garbage at that point. How about I sell you a lottery ticket today for a drawing that happened last night? And the leads have incorrect contact info and the ones you can get it touch with seem surprised to have an agent call them regarding their insurance at all, almost like they weren’t looking to switch policies. Hmmm. Customer Service is a complete joke. And they won’t let you speak to the salesperson who signed you up to go over the difference between what they said we would get VS. what we actually do get, which is garbage. We cancelled. Stuff your non-existent credits.

    • Did you ever find a better lead vendor?

  • I’m interested in weekend leads. Do you have access to these?
    How much are they. Types: life, annuity, disability

  • Can your distinguish between term life leads and whole life? And is there a lead cost different on them.
    Thank You

  • What a terrible company
    Bad leads
    Bad cutomer service
    Your better off burning your money
    Now they want you to pay a monthly fee to have customer service speak with you
    You gotta be kidding me

    • Ben, I totally agree.
      Customer service was not bad, in the case of accepting my leads returned.
      But the leads are horrible and a waste of money, and they dont know why they are being contacted.

  • I have questions about life and annuity for the younger advisors in my group, I am very unfamiliar with this market so I have some questions.

    • Thanks for the comment Ryan. IL is one of the better options for online Annuity leads. To address the specific needs of your team your best bet would be to give them a call.


  • We would like to expand out group health business targeting groups 10 to 20, using live leads via telephone transfer. Do you provide this service for South East Florida? If you do how much do you charge per lead?

    • Hey Frank,
      They do offer live transfer on all lead types. You’ll need to get in touch with them for pricing based on your needs. Thanks!

  • How much time should I set aside for p&c leads and how many leads is considered “workable” per day?
    What is the average ratio of Leads to sales? I need to lock in my contract within 14 weeks or sooner with my company so I can move up to permanent full time status.

  • I am interested in getting leads but am skeptical of buying them over the internet bc of the quality and distribution to other agents. I am looking to start small and as long as I am able to get a response I will increase the volume, I am interested in T-65 leads.

  • I am a small agency just getting started. I want to get a few leads a week can I set limits on how many leads a week or a month I want?

    • Hi Dave. Sorry for the late reply. Your comment was caught in the filter.
      This is going to depend on how much time you can set aside for working leads and responding quickly. I’d suggest starting as slow as possible and getting a good feel for the process before ramping up. The volume will vary by agency and more importantly by line and ZIP.

      • B”H
        Kevin – please email me – I want to ask about Juvenile Auto leads. Rates.

  • I am an agent with Bankers Life and Casualty, I would like to know more about the leads you provide and find out how effective they are and how many agents in my area will have the same leads.
    Thank you
    Matt Fessler


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