Written by Kevin
Current as of March 11th, 2025
Important: As part of an acquisition completed in January 2016, InsureMe is now owned and operated by AllWebLeads. The time frame for customer transition is uncertain, but it does look like current InsureMe customers will eventually transition to the AWL platform and interface. Anyone interested in buying InsureMe leads should head over to the AllWebLeads review page. More updates to follow as they are available.
Other lead vendors similar to InsureMe:
QuoteWizard, HometownQuotes, NextGen Leads
As one of the oldest insurance lead companies in the business (established in 1993), agents from one side of the country to the next rely on the services of InsureMe for Agents. Over the years, this company has gained the reputation for providing high quality leads along with unmatched customer service.
For those who are tired of generating insurance leads through more traditional methods – such as telemarketing and direct mail – InsureMe for Agents is a shared online lead alternative solution.
- The primary benefits associated with becoming a member of this service include:
- The option to connect with hot leads via live transfer in real time
- Tools to help measure your return on investment (ROI)
- No long term contracts, no sign up fees
- Custom filters for the ability to reach your target market
- Free learning center
In order to reach prospects more quickly InsureMe for Agents has come up with a solution: Agent Connection Tool.
With this feature, you can set your account to “ring” when a new lead is delivered. With this capability, you are able to stop what you are doing to contact the consumer quickly.
While not always the case, InsureMe for Agents sells each lead to three insurance agents on average.
Feature List
- Real-Time Delivery
- Share Leads – Max Agents 8 / Average Agents 2-4
- Exclusive Lead Options (via LiveLead)
- Live Transfers with LiveLead
- Pause Leads – Up to 45 Days Per Year
- Volume Cap Controls
- Pay As You Go
- Sample Leads to Preview
- Free Training Resources
- Standard Filters Available
- Custom Filters Available
- Lead Credit Options – 10 Day Return Window
Types of Leads
Delivery Options
- Text
- CRM / Rater / Dailer
- Custom Integrations Available
I am interested in price per lead for Life in Health for New York State and California
Good morning, im interesting in the leads for life, annuity, Long term care and auto insurance but exclusive one. Thank you
I need leads for medicare advantage or turning 65.
Interested in pricing for Life Insurance Leads.
I NEED LTC leads in Indiana and Illinois thank you
Interested in mortgage protection.
Cost per life lead for Michigan
I’m interested in life and health, long term care insurance quality leads.
Interested in cost per lead for commercial leads. Thank you.
interested in exclusive final expense and long term care insurance